Are you ready to foster a pet in need?

  • Is my entire family ready and able to take on the responsibility of a foster pet?

    Most rescued animals are scared; coming into a temporary home will require acceptance and compassion from everyone including your pets!

  • Are you aware of the clean up needed and possible damage that may occur to your home?

    Just like your pet, you will be responsible for cleaning up after your foster pet. We cannot guarantee that your foster pet will be housebroken or behave properly. Most of the time the animal will not be housebroken and we will need you to assist in house training. There will be accidents and items may be destroyed. You will need to animal proof your home accordingly to prevent any damages you do not wish to occur or injuries.

  • Are you emotionally prepared to return your foster when necessary for adoption or replacement?

    It can be very difficult to let go of your foster, especially if you had them for some time, but at any given moment the perfect family could walk through the door and you will have to return your foster pet.  Sometimes we may ask for you to switch with other foster parents to better accommodate our limited space available.

  • Do you fully trust the CAWL staff to make all the decisions for your foster pet?

    As a foster parent you will be responsible for informing the staff your opinion of the pet and their behavior style. However it will be the CAWL staff that will make all final decisions for the pet. With years of experience and knowledge we have dedicated our time to the animals and will always do what is best for them! This includes all their medical records, food, and any necessary training that may be required.

  • What are the qualifications?

    In order to qualify as a foster parent you must be compassionate, loving, and understanding of animals. Basic knowledge and experience is required in order to ensure the pet is in good health and care at all times. We request that there be no immediate dangers in the home that may harm the foster pet, i.e. aggressive animals, young inexperienced children, poisonous plants, or anything additional that may cause injury to the pet. You MUST have a completed and vetted volunteer application on file with us to be considered as a foster parent. 

  • How often will I need to transport the pet?

    Unless otherwise noted we require the foster pets to be at our center during adoption hours, Saturday 11 am-3pm. You will be responsible for the transportation to and from. If the animal does not travel well it may be necessary to crate the animal in its travels. It may be required for you to additionally transport the pet to one of our local animal hospitals.

  • How much does it cost to foster?

    CAWL will provide the necessary food and medical treatments, including vaccines, for your foster pet. If you wish to personally purchase anything additional such as toys, bedding, or an accessory, that is your personal choice.

  • Can I help with finding the perfect home for my foster pet?

    While we would love to have all the help we can, we ask that if you have anyone interested in your foster pet that you refer them to the CAWL staff. We thoroughly evaluate all of our applicants to ensure that they are able to provide the right forever home for the pet. We do not base our decision off of a first come, first serve basis and place each pet with the best suited family.